300 Chestnut

Brooklyn, NY

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300 Chestnut is a proposal for a mixed-used residential development with over 250 affordable housing units, 8,400 square feet of community facility, and over 12,000 square feet of retail rental space. The project also provides significant indoor and outdoor amenities for the residents of the building, including active-landscaped zones on multiple levels adhering to the tenets of active design guidelines and promoting good health and an active lifestyle. A productive landscape, designed and maintained collaboratively with urban agriculturalists introduces planting and gardening opportunities to the building’s residents and fosters healthy eating and sustainable farming.

The overall building massing establishes the perimeter of the block and opens an inner court to the west, bringing sunlight into the interior of the building. Subtle relief and large notches in the facade break down the scale of the overall composition, articulating the building as three distinct volumes which each engage their respective street. 

At the street level, the building’s materials are light and colorful. Above this street-level treatment the building is clad in a mix of light gray, medium gray, and blue-gray bricks. In the body of the building above, metal panels frame window openings and are accented with a colorful vertical fin. These colorful fins are tactical and intermittent to offer variety within the façade. Variation of materiality is further articulated at the setbacks, where the communal hallway and amenity spaces face outward onto the roof terraces and are clad in translucent glass and fiberglass material. This portion of the building has large glazed openings and will glow in the evening and nighttime hours so that the building serves as a beacon for the neighborhood.


Brooklyn, NY



The Kretchmer Companies

Project Team
Thom Medek, Mariam Alshamali, Will Sheridan, Brandon Pietras

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Brick Upper Volume

Brick Upper Volume


Subtle relief and large notches in the facade break down the scale of the overall composition, articulating the building as three distinct volumes which each engage their respective street. 


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